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Books by István Hargittai

The languages of books are indicated by E (English), H (Hungarian), R (Russian), D (German), Ch (Chinese), J (Japanese), I (Italian), SE (Swedish). There are only three books in this list that did not have a version in English.

There are two books compiled from selections of Istvan Hargittai's non-technical articles, one from his articles in Hungarian and the other from his articles in English (the two sets are not related by translation). These two volumes were recently compiled and edited by Balázs Hargittai, but they are listed among István Hargittai's authored books.

Note that many, but not all books are presented with their cover image.

Authored Books

I.Hargittai, B. Hargittai, Brilliance in Exile: The Diaspora of Hungarian Scientists from John von Neumann to Katalin Karikó (CEU Press 2023) E

B. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Quotable John von Neumann (Neumann Society, 2023) E and H together in one volume

I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, Science in London: Guide to Memorials (2021) E, H

István Hargittai, Jeremiás nyomában: Beszélgetések Komoróczy Gézával (Magvetö 2021) H

I. Hargittai, Mosaic of a Scientific Life (Springer Nature, 2020) E, H

B. Hargittai, Ed., Négyszemközt a tudománnyal: Válogatás Hargittai István írásaiból (Akadémiai Kiadó 2020) H

I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, Moscow Scientific: Memorials of a Research Empire (World Scientific, 2019) E, H, R (the Russian translation is in production)

B. Hargittai, Culture and Art of Scientific Discoveries: A Selection of István Hargittai's Writings (Springer Nature 2019) E

I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, New York Scientific: A Culture of Inquiry, Knowledge, and Learning (Oxford University Press, 2017) E, H

B. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Wisdom of the Martians of Science (World Scientific, 2016) E, H

I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, Budapest Scientific: A Guidebook (Oxford University Press, 2015) E, H

B. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Great Minds: Reflections of 111 Top Scientists (Oxford University Press, 2014) E, H

I. Hargittai, Buried Glory: Portraits of Soviet Scientists (Oxford University Press, 2013) E, H

I. Hargittai, Drive and Curiosity: What Fuels the Passion for Science (Prometheus, 2011) E, H

I. Hargittai, Judging Edward Teller: A Closer Look at One of the Most Influential Scientists of the Twentieth Century (Prometheus, 2010) E, H

M. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Visual Symmetry (World Scientific, 2009) E, H

I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, Symmetry through the Eyes of a Chemist (3rd Edition, Springer, 2009, 2010; 1st edition 1986, hard, 1987, soft; 2nd edition 1995, hard and soft) E, R

I. Hargittai, The DNA Doctor: Candid Conversations with James D. Watson (World Scientific, 2007) E, H, Ch

I. Hargittai, The Martians of Science: Five Physicists Who Changed the Twentieth Century (Oxford University Press, 2006, hard, 2008, soft) E, H, Ch, Farsi

I. Hargittai, The Tragedy of Edward Teller (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2005) E, H

I. Hargittai, Our Lives: Encounters of a Scientist (Akadémiai Kiadó, 2004) E, H, D, R

I. Hargittai, The Road to Stockholm: Nobel Prizes, Science, and Scientists (Oxford University Press, 2002, hard, 2003 soft) E, H, J, Ch

B. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, Candid Science I-VI: Conversations with Famous Scientists (Imperial College Press, 2000-2006) Vols I-VI, E; Vols I-II, R

I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, In Our Own Image (Plenum, 2000, Springer 2012) E, H

I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, Symmetry (Shelter, 1994, Random House, 1996) E, D

R.J. Gillespie, I. Hargittai, The VSEPR Model of Molecular Geometry (Allyn & Bacon, 1991; Dover, 2012) E, R, I

M. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Fedezzük föl a szimmetriát (Tankönyvkiadó, 1989) H, SE

I. Hargittai, The Structure of Volatile Sulphur Compounds (Reidel, 1985) E, H, R

I. Hargittai, Sulphone Molecular Structures (Springer, 1978)

M. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, The Molecular Geometries of Coordination Compounds in the Vapour Phase (Elsevier, 1977) E, H, R

Edited Books

B. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Eds., Culture of Chemistry (Springer, 2015) E

I. Hargittai, B. Hargittai, Eds., Science of Crystal Structures: Highlights in Crystallography (Springer, 2015)

E. Balazs, M. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Eds., Huzella Tivadar: A humanista tudós (Typotex, 2012) H

E. Balazs, M. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Eds., Hyaluronan, Vols. I-III (PubMatrix, 2011)


I. Hargittai, T. C. Laurent, Eds., Symmetry 2000, Vols. I and II (Portland Press, 2002) E

A. Domenicano, I. Hargittai, Eds., Strength from Weakness: Structural Consequences of Weak Interactions in Molecules, Supermolecules, and Crystals (Kluwer, 2002) E

M. Hargittai, I. Hargittai, Advances in Molecular Structure Research, Vols. 1-6 (JAI Press, 1995-2000) E

I. Hargittai, T. Vidóczy, Eds., Combustion Efficiency and Air Quality (Plenum Press, 1995) E

I. Hargittai, Ed., Fivefold Symmetry (World Scientific, 1992) E

I. Hargittai, C.A. Pickover, Eds., Spiral Symmetry (World Scientific, 1992) E

A. Domenicano, I. Hargittai, Eds., Accurate Molecular Structures (Oxford University Press, 1992) E, R

I. Hargittai, Ed., Quasicrystals, Networks, and Molecules of Fivefold Symmetry (VCH, 1990) E

I. Hargittai, Ed., Symmetry: Unifying Human Understanding (Pergamon Press, 1986) E

I. Hargittai, Ed., Symmetry 2: Unifying Human Understanding (Pergamon Press, 1989) E

I. Hargittai, B.K. Vainshtein, Eds., Crystal Symmetries, Shubnikov Centennial Papers (Pergamon Press, 1988) E

I. Hargittai, M. Hargittai, Stereochemical Applications of Gas-Phase Electron Diffraction. Vol. A: The Electron Diffraction Technique. Vol. B: Structural Information for Selected Classes of Compounds. (VCH Publishers, 1988) E

I. Hargittai, W.J. Orville-Thomas, Eds., Diffraction Studies on Non-Crystalline Substances (Elsevier, 1981)

Last updated: January, 2022